形式 原著論文著書総説論文国際学会国内学会年報


森岡 周
(シンポジウム)Why Narrative Embodiment in Rehabilitation
CREST-ANR NARRABODY 1st Meeting,2024


Onishi S, Morioka S
Relationship of the Corticospinal Tract in the Uninjured Hemisphere to Lower Limb Motor Function and Gait in Severe Stroke Patients.
The 2nd International Symposium on Hyper-Adaptability, 2023

Kinoshita S, Osumi M
Mirror Visual Feedback Modulate CorticoMuscular Coherence -Case series-
The 2nd International Symposium on Hyper-Adaptability, 2023

Sato Y, Hasui N, Ohnishi S, Taguchi J, Nakatani T, Morioka S
Effects of anodal tDCS on the cerebellum combined with physical therapy on sway in cerebellar ataxia patient: an ABA single case study
The 2nd International Symposium on Hyper-Adaptability, 2023

Hasui N, Mizuta N, Higa Y, Matsunaga A, Ohnishi S, Sato Y, Taguchi J, Nakatani T, Morioka S
Characteristics of gait in post-stroke patients during the rehabilitation process: a preliminary study using muscle synergy analysis
European Stroke Organisation Conference, 2023

Osumi M, Inomata K, Inoue Y
Tele-VR rehabilitation alleviated phantom limb pain – Single case study using experimental designs -
RehabWeek, 2023

Koga M, Iki S, Tanaka Y, Uragami S, Sato G, Osumi M, Morioka S
Characteristics of hemiplegic shoulder pain differ according to the extent of the pain site
European Stroke Organisation Conference, 2023

Inui Y, Morioka S
Factors associated with decreased gait speed on uneven surface in stroke patients.
European Stroke Organisation Conference, 2023


Osumi M
Virtual Reality for Phantom Limb Pain
Oxford Workshop Virtual Reality for Pain, 2022

Mizuta N, Hasui N, Nishi Y, Higa T, Matsunaga A, Deguchi J, Yamamoto Y, Nakatani T, Taguchi J, Morioka S
Effect of temporal asymmetry on muscle synergy during walking with rhythmic auditory cueing in post-subacute stroke patients
International society of posture & gait research World congress 2022

Inui Y, Mizuta N, Nishi Y, Yamaguchi Y, Morioka S
Characteristics of uneven surface walking in post-stroke patients: Kinematics and neuromuscular control
International society of posture & gait research World congress 2022


Morioka S
(シンポジウム)Pain treatment with Neurorebabilitational approach
4th Asia Oceanian Congress on Neuro Rehabilitation, 2021


Shionaka Y, Miyawaki Y, Morioka S
Influence of anti-social behavior in top-down modulation of motor resonance
Neuroscience, 2019

Miyawaki Y, Shionaka Y, Morioka S
Top-down modulation of motor resonance through affective attitude toward a non-biological object
Neuroscience, 2019

Shigetoh H, Nishi Y, Osumi M, Morioka S
Impaired motor control associated with disability and pain-related factors in chronic low back pain patients
Asian Confederation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapy congress, 2019

Hayashida K, Miyawaki Y, Nishi Y, Morioka S
Diffusion of responsibility and the outcomes on sense of agency
21st conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, 2019

Miyawaki Y, Hayashida K, Morioka S
Cue integration strategy for self-other sensory attribution in motor control
21st conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, 2019

Mizuta N, Takamura Y, Fujii S, Hasui N, Nakatani T, Tsutsumi M, Taguchi J, Sasaoka Y, Morioka S
Post-stroke walking characteristics on association between motor paralysis and walking speed by cluster analysis
International Society of Posture and Gait Research World Congress, 2019

Miyawaki Y, Otani T, Morioka S
Inconsistency between agency judgment and motor control in post-stroke patients: Illusory self-attribution in explicit agency
13th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress, 2019


Hayashida K, Nishi Y, Masuike A, Osumi M, Morioka S
Noticing the skill in a motor task enhances sense of agency: Employing intentional binding task
The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (Osaka), 2018

Miyawaki Y, Osumi M, Morioka S
Confusion within feedback control between cognitive and perceptual cues in self-other attribution: optimal cue integration in motor control
The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (Osaka), 2018

Katayama O, Tsukamoto T, Osumi M, Kodama T, Morioka S
Neural mechanism of distorted body perception caused by temporal sensorimotor incongruence
The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (Osaka), 2018

Osumi M, Nobusako S, Zama T, Yokotani N, Shimada S, Morioka S
The relationship and difference between delay detection ability and judgment of sense of agency
The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (Osaka), 2018

Nobusako S, Osumi M, Matsuo A, Zama T, Shimada S, Morioka S
Stochastic resonance improves visuomotor temporal integration
The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (Osaka), 2018

Mizuta N, Takamura Y, Morioka S et al
Trunk instability with shank muscle co-contraction is masking the potential of walking ability in patients with post stroke hemiplegia
International Society of Electrophysiology & Kinesiology (Dublin), 2018

Nishi Y, Osumi M, Sumitani M, Yozu A, Morioka S
Expectation of Pain Kinematically Affects Goal-directed Movements in the Pain-related Fear-conditioning Paradigm
The 17th World Congress on Pain® (Boston), 2018

Katayama O, Tsukamoto T, Osumi M, Kodama T,Morioka S
Neural processing mechanism of embodied disturbance caused by sensorimotor incongruence
The 17th World Congress on Pain® (Boston), 2018

Hayashida K, Nishi Y, Osumi M, Morioka S
Effects of sharing goals with others on sense of agency and perceptual motor learning
International Society of Electrophysiology & Kinesiology (Dublin), 2018

Sato G,Osumi M,Nobusako S, Morioka S
The effects of transcranial direct current stimulation combined with aerobic exercise on pressure pain thresholds and electroencephalography in healthy control: pilot study
12th the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine(ISPRM) World Congress (Paris),2018

Morioka S et al.
The relationship between motor imagery ability and motor function, and frequency of body use in upper limb stroke hemiplegia
12th the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine(ISPRM) World Congress (Paris),2018

Morioka S, Hayashida K, Nishi Y, Osumi M, Nobusako S
Sense of agency and motor performance are stronger when an individual is capable of motor prediction
Cognitive Neuroscience Society 24th Annual Meeting (Boston 2018)

Ishigaki T, Imai R, Morioka S
Association between Unintentional Interpersonal Postural Coordination Produced by Interpersonal Light Touch and the Intensity of Social Relationship
Cognitive Neuroscience Society 24th Annual Meeting (Boston 2018)

Hayashida K, Nishi Y, Osumi M, Morioka S
Effects of sharing goals with others on sense of agency and motor performance
Cognitive Neuroscience Society 24th Annual Meeting (Boston 2018)


Katayama O, Osumi M, Nishi Y, Takamura Y, Kodama T,Morioka S
The influence of sensorimotor incongruence on dysesthesia and motor control
The 10th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC® (Copenhagen 2017)

Imai R, Osumi M, Ishigaki T, Morioka S
Relationship between pain and hesitation of movement initiation in acute phase after surgery
The 10th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC® (Copenhagen 2017)


Morioka S, Nobusako S, Ishibashi R, Osumi M, Zama T, Shimada S
Characteristic of visual feedback delay detection in apraxia following stroke
Society for Neuroscience (San Diego 2016)

Ohmatsu S, Takamura Y, Imanishi M, Osaka M, Tominaga T, Morioka S, Kawashima N
Analysis of visual search pattern during free viewing of horizontally flipped image: Novel approach for the evaluation of visuospatial neglect
Society for Neuroscience (San Diego 2016)

Katayama O, Osumi M, Imai1 R, Kodama T, Morioka S
Neural network of dysesthesia symptoms produced by sensorimotor incongruence in healthy volunteers. A functional connectivity analysis
Society for Neuroscience (San Diego 2016)

Nishi Y, Osumi M, Nobusako S, Morioka S
The Personality Traits Contribute to Voluntary Pain-Related Avoidance Behavior
Society for Neuroscience (San Diego 2016)

Maeoka H, Matsuo A, Hiyamizu M, Morioka S
Effects of Relationship and Gender Difference on Pain
Society for Neuroscience (San Diego 2016)

Sato G, Osumi M, Morioka S
The effects of wheelchair propulsion on neuropathic pain and resting electroencephalography after spinal cord injury
16th World Congress on Pain (Yokohama 2016)

Katayama O, Osumi M, Imai1 R, Kodama T, Morioka S
Neural network of dysesthesia produced by sensorimotor incongruence. A functional connectivity analysis
16th World Congress on Pain (Yokohama 2016)

Yasuda N, Ishigaki T, Nisii Y, Morioka S
Pain relief and descending pain inhibitory system in N-back task: a study using electroencephalography and urinary serotonin measurements
16th World Congress on Pain (Yokohama 2016)

Nishi Y, Osumi M, Nobusako S, Morioka S
The relationship between personality traits and pain-related avoidance learning using voluntary movement paradigm
16th World Congress on Pain (Yokohama 2016)

Tanaka Y, Osumi M. Morioka S
Uncovering the influence of social skills and other psychosociological factors on pain sensitivity using structural equation modeling
16th World Congress on Pain (Yokohama 2016)

Nishi Y, Osumi M, Morioka S
The relationship between interoceptive sensitivity and sympathetic variability during pain stimulation
16th World Congress on Pain (Yokohama 2016)

Maeoka H, Hiyamizu M, Matsuo A, Morioka S
The relationship between interoceptive sensitivity and sympathetic variability during pain stimulation
16th World Congress on Pain (Yokohama 2016)

Osumi M, Ichinose A, Sumitani M, Wake N, Sano Y, Yozu A, Kumagaya S, Kuniyoshi Y, Morioka S
Restoring movement representation through neurorehabilitation with a virtual reality system alleviate phantom limb pain
16th World Congress on Pain (Yokohama 2016)


Kyohei Omon, Shu Morioka
Factors related empathy in a dialogue between two people
Cognitive Neuroscience Society (San Francisco 2015)

Ryota Imai, Michihiro Osumi, Shu Morioka
Influence of illusory kinesthesia by vibratory tendon stimulation on acute pain after surgery.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society (San Francisco 2015)

Tomoyuki Shiozaki, Yohei Okada, Shu Morioka
The influence that modulation of subjective postural vertical decrease awareness of body orientation
45th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Chicago 2015)

Keisuke Nakata, Satoshi Nobusako, Shu Morioka
The relationship between body presentation and visuospatial perception.
45th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Chicago 2015)

Yusaku Takamura, Satoko Ohmatsu, Maho Imanishi, Madoka Osaka, Takanori Tominaga, Shu Morioka, Noritaka Kawashima
Imbalance between frontal and parietal cortex during choice reaction task in patient with spatial neglect.
45th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Chicago 2015)

Ryo Akaguchi, Michihiro Osumi, Shu Morioka
Social pain changes pain sensitivity in people with anxiety state.
45th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Chicago 2015)

Osamu katayama, Ryota Imai, Michihiro Osumi, Shu Morioka
Neural mechanism of dysesthesia produced by sensorimotor incongruence
The 9th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC® (Vienna 2015)

Ryota imai, Michihiro Osumi, Shu Morioka
Influence of illusory kinesthesia by vibratory tendon stimulation on pain threshold: consideration of the trait anxiety.
The 9th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC® (Vienna 2015)


Satoshi Wakata, et al
Brain activity and perception of sense of ownership while viewing a video of hand manipulation: a functional infrared spectroscopy study.
44th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, 2014)

Atsushi Matsuo, et al
Imitation of a facial expression accelerates an emotional understanding of the others in men.
The Social Brain conference (Copenhagen, 2014)

Shu Morioka, et al
Effects of inconsistency between facial and verbal expressions on degree of trust and brain activity.
44th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, 2014)

Makoto Hiyamizu, et al
Effects of the target setting on the motor skill learning and motivation in healthy people.
44th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, 2014)

Michihiro Osumi, et al
Effects of visual body image on pain perception.
44th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Washington DC, 2014)

Yohei Okada, et al
In-home posture evaluation and visual feedback training to improve posture with a kinect-based system in Parkinson's disease: A case study
MDS 18th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders(Stockholm, 2014)


Yohei Okada, et al
The effects of galvanic vestibular stimulation on camptocormia in Parkinson’s disease: A case report
MDS 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders (Sydney, 2013)

Shu Morioka, et al
The relationship between kinesthesia and physical functions and damage region in stroke hemiplegic patients
XXII European Stroke Conference (London, 2013)

Makoto Hiyamizu, et al
Effects of video-feedback on balance learning in stroke patients
XXII European Stroke Conference (London, 2013)

Hiroshi Maeoka, et al
Effects of game-based exercise on the balance of the disabled patients
XXII European Stroke Conference (London, 2013)

Hideki Nakano, et al
Effect of a plantar perceptual learning task on walking stability in the elderly: a randomized controlled trial
2nd Joint World Congress of ISPGR and Gait and Mental Function (Akita, 2013)

Atsushi Matsuo, et al
The effect of the exercise using a video game on the physical function
XXII European Stroke Conference (London, 2013)


Michihiro Osumi, Masahiko Kusaba, Hideki Nakno, Shu Morioka
Brain activity during habituation to the inner experience of pain. -a study using Electroencephalogram(EEG)-
14th World Congress on Pain (Milano, 2012)

Hiroshi Maeoka, et al
14th World Congress on Pain(Milan, 2012)

Hideki Nakano, et al
Brain activity during observation, imagery, and execution of tool use:
An fNIRS-EEG study 46th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience(New Orleans, 2012)

Atsushi Matsuo, et al
9th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (Sorrent, 2012)


Makoto Hiyamizu, et al
Influence on the brain activity in observation conditions on balance learning
14th European Congress on Clinical Neurophysiology (Roma, 2011)

Morioka S, et al
The effect of transcranial direct current-stimulated motor imagery on the excitability of the anterior horn cell of spinal cord
14th European congress on Clinical Neurophysiology (Roma, 2011)

Hiroshi Maeoka, et al
Effects of Sleep on Motor Learning of whole upper extremity: A randomized controlled trial
4th International Congress on Transcranial and Direct Current Stimulation(Rome, 2011)

Hiroshi Maeoka, et al
Effects of floor surface pattern during gait of elderly peoples
World Physical Therapy 2011(Amsterdam, 2011)

Hideki Nakano, et al
Relationship between plantar hardness discrimination ability and gait stability in the elderly
16th International World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress(Amsterdam, 2011)

Hideki Nakano, et al
Outcomes of the ball-rotation task are indicated by the alpha power during action observation and action preparation
45th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience(Washington DC, 2011)

Atsushi Matsuo, et al
Effectiveness of transcranial direct current stimulation and mirror illusion on motor learning
1st European NeuroRehabilitation Congress (Merano, 2011)

Atsushi Matsuo, et al
Brain activation on walking visual illusion
14th European Congress on Clinical Neurophysiology (Roma, 2011)


Makoto Hiyamizu, et al
Effects of differences in observation conditions on motor skill learning
The XVIII International Conference of the Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (Denmark, 2010)

Makoto Hiyamizu, et al
Relationship between brain activity and standing posture control on dual task situation
29th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology(Kobe, 2010)

Satoshi Nobusako, Shigekazu Shimizu, Shigenobu Shinkuma, Kenta Miki, Hirohisa Tamaki, Shu Morioka
Cerebral cortex activity when listening to footsteps accompanying walking: A study on the use of audiovisual mirror neurons in rehabilitation
6th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation(Vienna, 2010)

Hiroshi Maeoka, et al
The Development of Socks for Fall Prevention

Hiroshi Maeoka, et al
Influence of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation on pain perception threshold in healthy volunteers
29th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology(Kobe, 2010)

Hiroshi Maeoka, et al
The XVIII International Conference of the Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology(Aalborg, 2010)

Hideki Nakano, et al
Effects of plantar perceptual learning involving a discrimination task on the gait stability of elderly individuals: A randomized controlled trial
11th International Congress of the Asian Confederation of Physical Therapy(Denpasar, 2010)

Hideki Nakano, et al
Effects of plantar perceptual learning involving a discrimination task on brain activity: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study
44th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience(San Diego, 2010)

Atsushi Matsuo, et al
The effect of the exercise using a video game on the physical function
8th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (Cyprus, 2010)

Atsushi Matsuo, et al
Enhancement of non-dominant precise hand motor function by anodal transcranial direct current stimulation
29th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology (Kobe, 2010)


Shu Morioka, et al
Perception exercises involving the sole of the foot enable the oldest old to better maintain postural balance while standing
International Society for Posture and Gait Reserch (Bologna, 2009)

Hiroshi Maeoka, et al
Gait Assessment in the Swing Phase of the Processed Socks with Ankle Taping
the First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education(Chiba, 2009)

Hiroshi Maeoka, et al
Effect judgment of “Taping Socks”
the International Society for Posture and Gait Research 2009(Bologna, 2009)

Hiroshi Maeoka, et al
Development of Socks with a Taping
Function and Assessment of Their Effect on Gait Asian Prosthetic and Orthotic Scientific Meeting 2009(Hong Kong, 2009)

Atsushi Matsuo, et al
The constancy of the ipsilesional upper limbs movement of the unilateral spatial neglect patient after the right hemisphere injury
The International Neuropsychological Society, Finnish Neuropsychological Society, Joint Mid-Year Meeting (Helsinki, 2009)

Yohei Okada, et al
Effects of body weight-supported overground training in patients with Parkinson’s disease
5th World Congress of ISPRM(Istanbul, 2009)


Yohei Okada,et al
Reliability and validity of Side Step Test in stroke patients
10th Asian Congress of Asian Conederation for physical therapy(Tokyo, 2008)

Shu Morioka, Hiroyuki Fujita, Yasunori Kataoka
Effects of hardness discrimination training on sitting postural balance in hemiplegic patients following stroke
6th World Stroke Congress(Wien, 2008)

Shu Morioka, et al
The mirror neuron sysytem in observation of walking: conditions for its action
2nd International Congress on Gait & Mental Function (Amsterdam, 2008)

Satoshi Nobusako, Shigekazu Shimizu, Kenta Miki, Hirohisa Tamaki, Shu Morioka
Improvement of Neck ROM and Pain Through a Therapeutic Approach Involving Perception
10th International Congress of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy(Chiba, 2008)

Satoshi Nobusako, Kenta Miki, Shu Morioka
First-person observation of walking activates motor-related areas
2nd International Congress on Gait & Mental Function(Amsterdam, 2008)

Hiroshi Maeoka, et al
Virtual Reality-Induced Cortical Activation in Healthy Volunteers
10th International congres of the Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy(Chiba, 2008)

Hiroshi Maeoka, et al
Brain activity and misperception of angles of trunk movement in subjects with chronic low-back pain
The 13th International Pain Clinic Congress(Korea, 2008)


Yohei Okada, et al:
Perception of postural limits and falls in community-dwelling elderly people
4th World congress of the international society of physical and rehabilitation medicine Seoul, 2007